Around The World!!
The #ACMCovid19KMChallenge has officially arrived back in Marbella after completing around the world in only 9 weeks: Marbella – John O’Groats – New York – Hollywood – Midway Atoll (Pacific) – Tokyo – Central Russia – Marbella Total Distance covered by ACM Community – 30,012.94KMs Weekly Average – 3,323.66KMs Highest Week total – week 2: […]
Parent Newsletter 20 June
Dear parents, Elizabeth Batchelor Principal PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Kathryn SalmonHeadteacher, Primary SECONDARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Francisco EscobarHeadteacher, Secondary
Alumni Newsletter Nº 4 – Summer 2020
Welcome to the fourth edition of this newsletter, which hopefully finds you safe and well and starting to get back to some kind of normality. Our teaching and learning here at the college has carried on during the lockdown and all of us are learning new skills and connecting with each other in different ways. […]
ACM Lockdown Gallery
The 2020 pandemic has kept us at home longer than we would have liked, but at the same time it has helped to bring out the more creative side of our students. These photos are a small sample of the work that children have shared virtually with teachers and peers. As you can see they […]
Covid 19: Update Nº 6
Dear Parents This is another update with as much information as I am able to share at the moment. A word I am going to be using quite a lot from now on is “REUNITE”. Aloha College Marbella is committed and will be ready to open its doors to pupils on 31 August 2020. This […]
Parent Newsletter 16 May
Dear parents, Elizabeth Batchelor Principal PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Kathryn SalmonHeadteacher, Primary SECONDARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Francisco EscobarHeadteacher, Secondary
Parent Newsletter 9 May
Dear parents, Elizabeth Batchelor Principal PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Kathryn SalmonHeadteacher, Primary SECONDARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Francisco EscobarHeadteacher, Secondary
Covid 19: Update Nº 5
Dear Parents I would like to continue to thank all of you for your great contribution to the success of our online learning programmes. It was a challenge initially as parents, teachers and children suddenly had to adapt to this new way of schooling. We have been relentless in exploring and researching the best ways […]
Parent Newsletter 1 May
Dear parents, PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, SECONDARY SCHOOL Dear Parents,
Parent Newsletter 25 April
Dear parents, Elizabeth Batchelor Principal PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Kathryn SalmonHeadteacher, Primary SECONDARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Francisco EscobarHeadteacher, Secondary
Gallery of Home Creativity
The entire team at Aloha College Marbella has worked hard to offer the best online education to students. But children have far exceeded our expectations and have shown remarkable skills such as care, humility, resilience, perseverance and, probably the most visibly of all in the following photo gallery… Creativity! Both students and parents have sent […]
Welcome to the Summer Term!
See you all online on Monday – we’re looking forward to bringing our Aloha community ever closer together.