Years 2 to 6 elect a School Council to ensure their opinions are heard. The School Council meets regularly with teachers to discuss new ideas and ways that the school could be made even better, as well as coming up with plans on how to put these into effect. They can be contacted via suggestion boxes around school and are all full of interesting ideas!.

The School Council is a system inside the school which allows for ideas and feedback from all students to be able to reach the senior management team and hopefully then be implemented in the school.

There have recently been some alterations to its structure that we believe will make an important difference to the council’s success – firstly being that we, the head students, are now to lead it.
Following interviews carried out by us and Aloha’s house captains, we have chosen a selection of students who we strongly feel will be able to help us make improvements to the school in the long and short term.
We would like to congratulate the representatives from each year group for being chosen for this vital position in Aloha College.
The members of the school council are representatives for their respective years and also bring across the views of their peers.
The School Council meets at least once a month in order to allow a constant flow of ideas, and we also merge regularly with the Primary School council so that we are able to bridge the gap between schools, and therefore implement changes that will help the whole college.
Lastly, we have a suggestion box which the students are welcome to use as another method of communicating their ideas to us. We look forward to keeping you up-to-date on this undertaking. We are also honoured to be in such a strong position and be part of the team that makes Aloha College the outstanding school it is today.
The school council is a system inside the school which allows for ideas and feedback Following interviews carried out by ourselves and Aloha’s house captains, we have chosen a selection of students who we strongly feel will be able to help us make improvements to the school in the long and short term.
We would like to congratulate the representatives from each year group for being chosen for this vital position in Aloha College.The members of the school council are representatives for their respective years and also bring across the views of their peers.