Y10 Winners ifs Investor Challenge
After a fiercely fought competition, with a record number of Aloha College teams participating, the winners in the Aloha College school league table are The Crazy Businessmen from the Year 10 Economics Class. This was an outstanding achievement for the team, made up of Stephen, Daniel, Artem and Henri, since they also finished THIRD in the International Schools league, made up of 240 teams from around world. The young investors, who have just started out on their IGCSE Economics studies, invested wisely in early November and carefully managed their portfolio of shares, making slight adjustments along the way. The team also finished 60th out of 7,600 participating teams from the UK and international schools. They made a capital gain of more than €23,000 over the three month period of the competition, after starting with a virtual 100,000 GBP.
Chess Competition
The ability to play chess is an important part of learning at Aloha College and over 200 children have been learning this skill during 2 workshops this term. The best players have competed in an internal contest organised by the Marbella School of Chess and the winners of that will then represent the school in an interschool tournament in Marbella on 19 April. We are expecting another champion again this year!
Charity Race – Save the Children
ALL Aloha College students, from 3 – 18 year olds, ran the Save the Children Charity Race on Friday 1 February. It was a real community event, with parents joining in, and nearly €2000 were raised to help the organisation provide food, medical care and education for the children in the Sahel Desert in Nigeria.
Marbella Schools Orienteering Competition
Children for Years 4 to 6 at joined in an Orienteering Race organised by Marbella Town Hall for local schools. They used their skills of map-reading, decoding and quick thinking to decipher the clues left for them and follow the trail.
Year 12 Visit to Sur in English
As part of their First Language IB courses, students from Year 12 were invited to attend a tour of the Sur Newspaper Office in Malaga on 21 January. Their task was to find out how Sur newspaper is financed, what Sur’s readership is and how they choose their lead stories. As well as a question and answer session, students were treated to a film about the history of the newspaper and then given a tour of the building, including the television studio and printing rooms. As part of the newspaper’s hospitality, students were given a copy of the paper and a commemorative glass.
Presentation Universidad Europea de Madrid – Y12
On Friday 25 January Year 12 students attended in school a presentation given by the Universidad Europea de Madrid. The representatives talked to the pupils about the courses on offer, and the admission procedure. At the end there was a general question and answer session, so all students left well-informed.
Aloha College Chess Workshop
Year 5 and Year 6 children at Aloha College took part in a Chess Workshop last Friday, taught by experts from the Town Hall.The best players will participate in an internal Chess Tournament at Aloha to be held in February and, finally, the near-champions will compete against local schools in an Inter-School Chess Tournament later […]
Senior School Christmas Concert
Senior School pupils at Aloha College delighted a packed audience with a collection of Christmas numbers .The concert opened with a very poignant vocal solo, ‘Pie Jesu’, performed by Jade Lawrence in memory of Arturo García Darch. Arturo was an Aloha pupil whom we lost after a brave fight against leukaemia. His family was present to witness this tribute to him.
KS2 Concert
In the Aloha College KS2 Magical Xmas Jigsaw production, the Xmas story came to life as the children pieced together a tatty old jigsaw