Drama at Aloha College Marbella acts as a lively and captivating way to develop various aspects of a person, including expressing creativity, improving social skills, and experiencing personal growth.
We provide students with the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of a large-scale theatrical production. Throughout this creative process, our students explore various roles within the theatrical realm, taking charge of creation and adaptation, design, direction, and, of course, acting. During the whole entire process, our students are constantly guided by our performing arts, music, and set design specialised teacher. At ACM, we consistently encourage the creativity of our students through the production of original works and adaptations that reflect the interests and skills of our student artists.
The co-curricular club serves as a significant space for the growth of our students, promoting unique collaborative work within students from different year groups that fosters the development of communication, leadership, and conflict resolution skills in a friendly and respectful environment. It is an ideal space for taking risks and growing both as individuals and as artists.