Welcome to the Primary Section from Kathryn Edwards
Our school is a truly special place where happy children of many nationalities learn together in a well-resourced, safe, stimulating, and caring environment.
Our staff are highly qualified, experienced and committed to ensuring every child achieves their best. Complementing our high expectations of academic success and continuous personal development, we are creative in finding ways to ensure our children develop life skills that will help to prepare them for the future.
Our children love learning and love coming to school, which I believe is what matters most. We are always proud to show visitors our school, so I hope you can take the opportunity to come and see us in action.
Aloha College Primary School is an extremely happy and successful learning environment where each child is provided with the opportunity to reach his/her potential.
The children are taught English and Maths through the English National Frameworks and a wide variety of subjects through the themed units of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).

This is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum with a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for every subject, for international mindedness and for personal learning. Learning within the IPC takes a global approach; helping our children to connect their learning to where they are living now as well as looking at the learning from the perspective of other people in other countries.
The children are also encouraged to develop learning skills which are appropriate for an ever-changing world and their future role as adults.
A key factor of our successful school is the strong home-school partnership between the academic staff and the parents. Parents receive written reports twice a year. There are three parent – teacher interviews per year and individual meetings as required by parents or teachers. If there is ever a cause for concern or parents just wish to ‘touch base’ they are always welcome to contact their child’s class teacher or the head Teacher.
We recognise that homework can play an important part in a child’s education and it also provides parents with a ‘window’ into their child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to help their children with their understanding of their homework tasks but not, of course, to do it for them!
“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. “
~Clay P. Bedford
Security and happiness. The Foundation Stage is so called because in these year groups children are at the very beginning or foundation of their school lives.
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Children continue to follow their learning goals: curriculum subjects, personal development and international understanding.
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