Right from these early stages, our children are nurtured to feel part of the Aloha “team” or family and, like any team or family, we aim to support and care for each other

At Aloha we consider the education of our three- and four-year olds a privilege as well as an enormous responsibility. We see each child as a special individual with his or her own unique personality and potential. With this in mind, our Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) programme offers a secure, caring and stimulating environment in which the child can develop and blossom. Our classroom is a composite of many things set up to meet each child’s specific needs.
The underlying ethos is respect for the child. It is a happy place where we encourage and guide our pupils to reach their full potential. Activities are specifically presented to allow the child to experiment and try out new ideas without fear of failure. Our aim is to build self-confidence and nurture a love of learning. It is important to us that your child comes to school feeling happy, secure and eager to explore and learn.
As throughout the rest of the Primary School, the Foundation 1 programme is based on the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) cross-curricular themes, offering consistency in the child’s education from his or her first year at school. In Foundation Stage 1 the curriculum is delivered bilingually in both English and Spanish. Each theme is relevant to the child so he/she can identify with the topic and fully participate in the associated activities. The IPC topics are also relevant as it means parents are aware of the learning going on in the classroom and can support as well as be involved in it. There are approximately two themes per term (six per year) that form the basis of the curriculum.

The Foundation Stage 1 day is varied, active and differentiated to meet the individual needs of each child. We start our day by singing the days of the week song and completing the daily weather chart and calendar. After this we split up into small groups to work on various activities such as art and craft, music, computers, language, numeracy, technology, science or physical games. In addition to this, we also work individually with a child who may need more challenge in a specific area or indeed further time and exploration of a concept he or she has not yet fully grasped. We base our planning and goals for each child on individual and group observations so we can tailor the learning path for each child in a way that develops confidence and success for the child.
The social and emotional development of the child is at the core of our Foundation Stage 1 programme. It is vital that our young learners are given the opportunity to play and socialise with each other as well as with the adults in their environment. Learning to share, understand feelings, organise their thoughts and express their ideas are paramount as the basis for a happy disposition, a good attitude toward school, a curiosity about the world around them and a love of learning.