The celebration of certain special days and events has become traditional at Aloha. Some are local festivities, while others are recognised internationally:
Students and staff enjoy a typical Andalusian breakfast of “pan con aceite” and parents are able to taste a range of olive oils from a local supplier.

Children commemorate this important day by wearing white to school and carrying internationally recognised symbols of peace, as a whole-school event. In class they learn of the importance of striving for peace in the world.

This is Spain’s national day, when the country commemorates the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and the Catholic Kings.
Pupils learn about this important part of Spain’s history and relevant displays are put up around the school.

Every January is marked by the global celebration of World Environmental Education Day and our students raise awareness of this through a magnificent assembly reminding us of the importance of taking care of the planet, just as we take care of our houses, so future generations can enjoy its beauty.

Having quite a few Irish pupils and teachers in our school, the celebration of St Patrick’s Day is never missed!.

San Bernabé is Marbella’s very own fiesta and Primary School children wear typical Spanish dress to celebrate. There is a special Spanish assembly for parents.

At the end of the Spring term there are “Easter” activities for the children, including treasure hunts where the treasure is normally a chocolate egg or two. All children in Primary School are encouraged to decorate (help from parents may be necessary!) an Easter bonnet. Children then parade round the school with their bonnets, to the delight of the older students, and parents.

This is a spooky event as all children take their costumes very seriously, specially KS2 children when they are deciding what to wear to the annual Halloween party, organised by the Sixth Form.

Senior School pupils every Christmas pack audience with concerts performed by vocal solos, a collection of festive ensembles and percussive performance. These pieces are complemented with superb individual performances which showcase the excellent musicianship we have at Aloha College. An excellent way to celebrate the start of the festive season!.

During this week there are lots of activities to further promote children’s love of reading. We may have a famous author who comes and talks to the children about how much fun it is to write stories, or the older children may visit the younger classes and read to them – generally sharing their love of books. We also have an inter-house inter-active Book Quiz, where houses compete to show off their knowledge of literature.

Aloha College has a number of different dance classes which are offered to pupils of all ages. From flamenco to Irish dancing, hip hop, ballet; the pupils are feel fortunate to have such a wide range of opportunities. In Secondary School, all the girls participate in dance as part of the PE curriculum and they always show huge levels of commitment, effort and they thoroughly enjoy their lessons.
In 2017, Aloha College held it’s first ever evening of music and dance. Pupils from Primary through Sixth Form showcase all the extremely talented dancers that we have at the school.