Excitement for Learning

The teaching programme in Year 2 is designed to foster children’s excitement about learning in all areas of our varied curriculum, but with particular emphasis on English and Maths. Research has suggested that it is in this year that children begin to form their motivational patterns about learning, so it is our aim to accelerate children’s English and Maths skills as much as possible, believing these to be the basis of all subsequent learning.
The children’s learning experiences are a planned mixture of class teaching, group and individual work which may involve the use of the whiteboard or interactive Smart board. When working in smaller groups they are led by either the teacher or classroom assistant.
An ability to work independently is fostered. In all areas of the curriculum, work is given to pupils according to their ability in that subject. The children continue with their daily Spanish lessons in differentiated groups according to their first language and acquisition of spoken Spanish.
The children enjoy a complete learning curriculum. There is a computer in the classroom and children are taught to use a variety of programmes, including simple word-processing, Art design, map-making and Mathematics. The children also have regular sessions in the computer suite and use other forms of IT equipment in class where appropriate: for example, iPads, video cameras or bee bots.

Children who speak only a little English are quickly made to feel a part of the class. All children are helped and encouraged to develop their social skills to the full, by co-operating with their peers and negotiating solutions to any interpersonal problems.