Confident in the school environment

After a year in the Reception Class, the children are confident in the school environment. New children will, of course, need time to settle and adjust to Aloha life. We respect the previous learning that each child brings to the school situation and consider each child as an individual. Initially, there is a balance between child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities.
The children work as a class, in small groups and individually. We encourage the children to take responsibility for their actions and to be able to make choices and decisions.
The classroom is set up with developmentally appropriate learning opportunities, to aid this all our children are set according to ability for English and Maths. The progress of the children is continually assessed by the teacher, through observation and discussion.
All children will also have a daily Spanish lesson, for this they will be grouped according to their first language and acquisition of spoken Spanish.

Year 1 provides a happy, purposeful and well-managed environment. The children learn in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere where the excitement of learning is evident.