Primary School Xmas Concerts 2014

Last week was a truly amazing week in the Primary School. Every child was included in our Christmas Productions and each and everyone proved to be a superstar!

“Away in a Manger” performed by the Foundation Stage on Wednesday was a sensational tear-jerking performance. Morris the donkey and all his friends delighted us with a modern version of the Nativity Story. It was impressive to see our youngest children performing with such poise and confidence.


On Thursday Key Stage 1 performed “Wriggly Nativity” and once again the children’s performance was exceptional. Every child joined in every song with such enthusiasm the roof of the Hall seemed to be blown away! The town of Bethlehem was transformed into a lively city of music, dance and celebration.

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Key Stage 2 patiently waited until the end of the week for their turn and Wow, what a performance! “Cinderella Rockerfella” was a pantomime any theatre would be proud to show. Team Year 6 led the acting with some great moments of humour with the Ugly Sisters. Once again every one of the 200 plus children performed every song and dance move with star quality.


It was a week to be proud of for everyone. Thank you firstly to the parents for their support. Thank you to the teaching staff for their commitment and great team effort and thank you children for being the best Primary School children ever.

By Kathryn Salmon, Head of Primary
