Dear parents,

Welcome back after what I hope has been a safe, restful, enjoyable Easter break with your families. The weather continues to be a little mixed but I am certain it won’t be long until we are enjoying the Spanish sunshine on a daily basis.
Thank you for sending your children back so smartly. Please remember that ties are no longer compulsory in the summer term. Generally the standard of uniform has been good; however, there have been a few exceptions, which are not permissible. One of these is the length of the skirts – mini-skirts are not allowed and if this is brought to your child’s attention repeatedly, your child will be sent home. We are a great school, of which a high standard of uniform is an integral part – please support us in this matter.
Year 11 and Year 13 pupils
Year 11 and Year 13 pupils are about to embark on study leave. We wish them every success in their future exams. I want to personally thank them for all their hard efforts.
A sincere thank-you must go to our 2 Head Students, Adriana León Villares and Caio Simon, who are now ready to hand over their roles to the new chosen candidates, who will be announced in next week’s newsletter.

School App
We were delighted at the successful launch of the long-awaited school app; thank you for the really positive feedback from some of you regarding this.
We can see that there are many parents who have still not opened the communications regarding this and have therefore not downloaded the app. You will find it useful to be able to read all your child’s information on your mobile device.
Welcome instructions will guide you through the short initial set-up: school code is ALO
Download for iOS
Download for Android
Official school photographs
Due to Covid restrictions we have been unable to take our annual school photographs. However, we have started to take individual photos of your children for the traditional 2 pages dedicated to this in our Yearbook, and also to update our internal school records. These photos are unofficial, taken by a member of staff. There will be no opportunity for sibling photos of class groups this academic year. If you do not wish your child to be photographed to be published in the Yearbook, please inform the school.

Ex-PTA parent
Many of you will remember Jess Mason – she is no longer a parent at school but when here was a very active member of the PTA, helping to organise Chiringuito evenings and Christmas Bazaars (pre-Covid). Sadly, Jess is very unwell and is in the Intensive Care unit in Malaga. I have sent a message to her family wishing her a safe recovery. Please keep her in your thoughts.
Community Time – Secondary section
Congratulations to Antonina in Year 9, who delivered a heartfelt message to all Key Stage 3 pupils and staff in Community Time on the topic of scoliosis. The feedback she got from an amazed audience was overwhelming. Mrs Brice, Head of Key Stage 3, awarded 2 Pupil Profile awards “Challenge Myself” and “Grow Stronger”. Well done, Antonina, and thank you for sharing. Mrs Brice said:
“You have made me so PROUD, Antonina, of your phenomenal personal achievement today.” Mrs Brice awarded the “Challenge Myself” Pupil Profile Award for:
Her courage in speaking up in Community Time about Scoliosis; how to live with it and support friends with it. She overcame her fear and trepidation and delivered a heart-felt message that inspired students and teachers alike. A born communicator!”
I spent a lunchtime talking with Antonina – her humility is exceptional and a lesson to us all. When I asked for permission to write about her in my newsletter she said she was honoured. I am honoured to have her as a pupil in our school!

New Pupils
We welcome 2 new pupils to Secondary School (Key Stage 3). We hope they are happy here and feel well-supported.
I wish you and your families a wonderful weekend.
Welcome back after what I hear has been a wonderful Easter break for you and your families. It was nice to see your children excited to return and listen to some of their holidays news. Even more important, it was nice to see them all safe.
Summer Uniform
Thank you for purchasing the summer uniforms online and sending back your children looking so smart.
We do appreciate that the weather is still very changeable so we have allowed a little flexibility until the sun shines again and temperatures become a little warmer. Please ensure that by the end of next week all summer uniforms are purchased and are being worn.
Unfortunately we are still seeing a few children wearing old PE kits; there is no flexibility in this, so please make sure your child is wearing only the kit below:
Parent Consultation Meetings
By now you will have received information regarding Virtual Parents’ Evenings. This gives you the opportunity, once again, to meet with your child’s class teacher and Spanish teacher to discuss your child’s progress to date. These meetings are very important for you to have the opportunity to ask questions or express concerns. There is a choice of two days and various times offered which you have to choose and book online. Please take this opportunity; it is very important for school and home to work together.
One request regarding this matter, when your appointment is booked please ensure these online meetings are carried out in a private and quiet place. There have been occasions where some parents have held meetings in cafés, restaurants, or even while driving! I will trust you to support us on this matter.
NSERI Spanish / Y3 & Y5 / Y2 & Y6 / Y4 & FS2/RC / Y1 & FS1/NS
Children’s Work
Hugo Hay-Evans in Year 6 produced a wonderful piece of writing regarding the recent death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Well done, Hugo.
Thomas Hurley in Year 2, Miss Natalie’s class, deserves our congratulations for doing some beautiful joined-up handwriting!
March Blossom Award
Our ACM March’s Personal Learning Goal was TO BE A COMMUNICATOR
Congratulations to the following children, who received the Blossom award:
Maths Certificates – Well done to everyone for working hard on their online maths activities this term. Keep up the good work!
Earned the most coins in NUMBOTS:
- Year 1: Ivo Piwek, Celine Hagbo and Stella Lai
- Year 2: Mark Vsiakikh, Ali Allawi and Sienna Kafourous
Collected the most coins in TTRockStars:
- Year 2: Sitong Wang, Youna Delavari and Adrian Ghaffari Ghazi Said
- Year 3: Quillhan Berrichi Sauer, Sara Alonso Garcia and Oscar Hoglund
- Year 4: Soraya Rohayem El Khayati, Luis Fernando Fay Perez and Aurelia Howard
- Year 5: Morgane Matter, Daniel O’Hayon Karlov and Benjamin Shechter
- Year 6: Zayna El-Rais, Zaya Zavery, Luca Aragón van der Lely and Iker Ortigosa Maldonado
Collected the most stars in Doodle Maths:
- Year 4: Soraya Rohayem El Khayati, Danial Hosseini and José Gutiérrez Villafranca
- Year 5: Danila Belov, Annie Herraez Alonso and Dina Gzouli
Played the most on Manga High:
- Year 6: Elin Hoglund, Zlata Luchko, Yousef Toubah and Ruihang Yong
Primary Spring Term Winning House
Sevilla – 4181
Granada – 4093
Cordoba – 3980
I am looking forward to what I know is going to be another wonderful term in the Primary School.
Have a lovely and safe weekend with your children.
April Personal Learning Goal – TO BE A COLLABORATOR
Next week’s Aloha Value – RESILIENCE
Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Batchelor
Dear Parents,

I hope that you have had a wonderful break. During the holidays I watched a programme on television which made me think. It is an old TV show that I used to watch with my parents as a child. The TV show is called The Price is Right and for those who do not know it, four contestants guess the retail prices of a wide array of merchandise. The contestant whose guess is closest to, but not more than, the correct value of the ítems wins.
This show was probably my first contact with money, a concept that I didn’t quite get at the time. I never imagined that money and I were going to be ‘friends’ for such a long time. My parents were brilliant at telling me the benefits of eating vegetables, how to cross the road safely and why manners were important. However, I was never taught about money. I grew up listening to them saying that money did not grow on trees and that one has to really work hard to earn money, but that was as far as it got.
I knew that when it comes to personal finance, the first rule is to spend less than what you earn. The problem is that the money that I spent as a teenager was my parents’- thus I did not value it enough. It was not until the summer before university when the penny dropped and I understood that money did not grow on trees. My friend Jacob and I decided to work at a laundry throughout the summer. Our job consisted of folding pillow cases, ironing tablecloths and putting tonnes of dirty sheets into massive washing machines. We did 7 hours every day at approximately £4 per hour (you do the Maths!). This experience helped us to build a healthier relationship with money. I was not as quick to call my parents when I needed more money. It made me think of the great financial effort they were making so that I could study in England.
Throughout our lives, we receive messages related to money from different sources. Children should not worry about owing money, but they need to understand the responsibility that comes with it. A recent study by the University of Michigan found that children as young as five already have emotional reactions to spending and saving. “Although this is a very abstract concept for children, we need to instil in them the value of money, that things cost and involve effort.They should perceive money as something necessary, but without giving it excessive importance,” says clinical health psychologist Silvia Álava.
Our aim should not be to become millionaires, but rather to achieve a fulfilling and purposeful life; money is just one means to achieve this.
I hope you have a nice weekend.
Francisco Escobar
Head of Secondary