Christmas Bazaar
The Aloha College Xmas Bazaar is taking place this year on Saturday 27 November, from 11:00 am to 4;00 pm.
Best School, Essential Awards
We are asking parents and students, family and friends, to vote again for Aloha College in the Best School category of the Essential Magazine awards. We have gained first prize for the past 3 years and know we will repeat our success with your help.
Open Day Aloha College
On Thursday 11 November Aloha College will be holding an Open Day from 9.30 pm to 3.00pm.
Pequemarathon Marbella – Years 2 and 3
On Thursday 4 November Year 2 and Year 3 went to Marbella’s Stadium to take part in the Pequemarathon.
Year 1LT Assembly
In Year 1 we like to listen to stories. For our class assembly we decided that we would like to perform one of our favourite stories ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’.
Year 3LW Assembly
Year 3 have been entertaining the Junior School with their renditions of different styles of music. We have been learning about the different elements of music and as we really enjoyed our lessons we decided to base our assembly on this.
Interschool Tennis Tournament
As part of our Competitive Sports Programme this year, Aloha pupils competed last Saturday in the First Interschool Tennis Competition.
New Winter Uniform
From November a new item of uniform will be worn in school – the pinafore dress.This is just for Key Stage 1 (Nursery to Year 2) girls.
Parents’ Evenings
This half-term all Junior School parents have been able to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their progress.
Vocal Workshop
The Music Department ran a vocal workshop on 11 October with Mrs Daphne Sumbler, a vocal coach from the UK, hosting the event – her second visit to Aloha College.
School Trips
In these few short weeks, pupils have already enjoyed several trips out to explore areas of interest not far from school:
Trip to Ronda Year 4
Year 4 children have again been sightseeing in the historical town of Ronda, as curriculum reinforcement for their “Sociales”.