Raquel Pérez – Success in Piano

At Aloha College we always recognise our pupils’ talents in Arts and Sports beyond the school. On this occasion, we feel very proud of Raquel Pérez (in Year 9), who has been at the Conservatory since she was 8, studying piano, and who has been recently selected as a privileged attendee to the International Music Academy Enharmonia – Masterclass Piano 2015 in Marbella.

This week the Conservatory is being visited by 6 eminent piano teachers (professors, from Spain, Germany, Austria, the States)) who are going to teach pupils for a week, in an event called the International Music Academy Enharmonia – Master Class 2015. 36 pupils are young professional piano players from all over the ​world, who will be paying for the privilege of receiving these piano classes. There are, however, 7 students from the conservatory who have been invited to the classes without having to pay, and Raquel is one of them – due to her extraordinary performance. During this event, Raquel is also going to participate in an international piano competition, with young pianists of all nationalities, to be judged by the visiting professors.

Congratulations, Raquel – we wish you the best in the competition!

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