Dear Parents

I never would have thought this would be possible at the start of the term but ‘masks’ are so much a part of our daily life that we are not really noticing them anymore. This exemplifies children’s ability to be ADAPTABLE, which is one of our Personal Learning Goals (see below).
I’m so proud of everyone’s efforts, from lining up in our class groups in the morning, to moving sensibly around school following the blue arrows, washing our hands frequently and using the hand sanitising gel dispensers regularly. The recent temperature checks have also quickly established themselves as part of our daily routines.
In all of this is the joy of children’s learning and their enthusiasm to learn. Your children are being amazing! A huge thank you to you the parents for supporting the school in our ‘adapted’ routines. I do ask however, that you avoid changing the person who collects your child/children at the end of the day as this causes unnecessary confusion.
Don’t forget to log into Google Classroom to watch your child’s classteacher video posted every Friday. Enjoy!
Thank you once again and I hope that you have a lovely weekend.
Talk Homework – Which foods keep us healthy and which foods should only be eaten as a rare treat and why?
Aloha Value – CARE
Personal Learning Goal – ADAPTABILITY
Yours sincerely
Kathryn Salmon – Headteacher, Primary
Dear Parents

There isn’t a better way to start this week’s newsletter than celebrating! Today is the day of European languages and we, at Aloha College Marbella, take great pride in this. KS3 students have had a special lesson using decoding methods to work out new languages. They have also looked at the perils of using Google translate by listening to a translated song and shared greetings in their own language to celebrate our internationalism. Happy European languages day!
Why not continue with more celebrations? Please read what wonderful newspaper headline I woke up to last Monday:
‘Spanish triathlete shows incredible sportsmanship by STOPPING on finish line to let British rival, who took a wrong turn at the end, to cross first and win the bronze medal’
Diego Méntrida, the Spanish triathlete, was trailing British athlete James Teagle at the final stretch of the race. Teagle mistook the direction of the course, allowing Méntrida to overtake him just metres from the finish line. He threw his hands out in exasperation as Méntrida overtook him. But Méntrida looked back as he was running and noticed Teagle’s mistake. He stopped just before the finish line and the two men shook hands as Teagle went past.
These were Mérida’s first words to the press: “This is something my parents and my club taught me since I was a child. In my view it should be a normal thing to do”
Isn’t this truly amazing? I must confess that this news story brought tears to my eyes. Please click here to watch the clip.
Good sportsmanship does more than just teaching us how to behave during and after a game. The impact it has on our lives is far beyond what we can imagine. It builds teamwork, character, stronger relationships and teaches respect, discipline, kindness and more.
Poor sportsmanship is a learned behaviour as is good sportsmanship. I have sometimes seen adults yelling at referees because they simply do not agree with their decision after a football match. Therefore, teaching and modelling good behaviour is key.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Francisco Escobar – Headteacher, Secondary