Dear Parents,

Thank you once again for the continual messages that I received offering condolences for Richard and his family. Thank you for your attendance at the meetings, and your communications and personal messages of support.

We continue to try hard to regain routine and normality. We need to celebrate the recent success of our football teams in Italy, to which we were unable to pay due attention last week.  In this newsletter the teams are our main focus.

A carefully selected team of 10 boys and 9 girls underwent serious training to represent Aloha College in the Mediterranean Cup in Verona, Italy.

They were led by Chief Coach Mr Steve Toal (Head of PE) and Alejandro  Ávila, Chief Coach of ACFC. Their performance, attitude and sportsmanship were truly outstanding. They competed against many international schools from all over Europe.

I am so incredibly proud of all of them. They were playing in difficult circumstances and all they wanted to do was bring back the trophies.

Special congratulations must go to three pupils in particular:

James Navagh, voted the best goalkeeper of the whole tournament.

Sofia Elgaily and José Acosta, voted best players by their colleagues.


But all of you did Aloha proud.  Thank you and congratulations!


Here is a short video of some of the key scenes of the trip.



The preparations for our annual Christmas Bazaar are busily underway.  Please make every effort to sell the raffle tickets and send in donations, in particular gifts, bottles and chocolates for our stalls.  Save the date in your diary – I look forward to seeing you there!


Our Be Kind campaign had a spectacular start with the Odd Sox Day – this picture was taken by a very cheeky teacher!

Yours sincerely,



Elizabeth Batchelor



Dear Parents,

“Choose respect” has been the theme of Aloha “Be Kind” campaign, and I can honestly say children from FS to Y6 have made an extra effort to show acts of kindness to both other children and adults. Importantly, it is reassuring to see that children understand that good choices bring praise, and bad choices consequences. Also to understand that, if we make mistakes, we can always learn from them so that we don’t repeat them.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see” Mark Twain

I am pleased to announce that the Primary School Eco Committee led by Miss Francesca met for the first time this week to discuss practical and everyday ways that we can implement as a school to show that we care for the environment. I will keep you up to date with their ideas and suggestions in the future.

Finally, it is only 2 weeks to the Christmas Bazaar, so if you still need to donate chocolates and bottles or toys and books, please make this a priority next week. The children receive a special ticket for their donation. This is entered into the Children’s Prize Draw after the Bazaar and there are some amazing prizes.

Next week’s target: COOPERATION
Talk Homework: Who would you most like to be when you grow up? What will you do every day? Where will you live?

Yours sincerely,

Kathryn Salmon

Headteacher, Primary


Dear Parents,

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”. This became a common question the minute I started Secondary School. There was nothing I dreaded more than a family gathering. I knew, without a doubt, that this would be thrown at me by a relative or family friend.  At the age 12, I honestly did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up!

Students are asked to think about careers since a young age. This can be very stressful. Not many Year 7 pupils really know what they want to be when they are older. One day they would love to be a hairdresser and suddenly a lawyer the very next day. It is ok not to know!

The reality is that the world is changing rapidly, and new roles are being created all the time. Many jobs open to young people today did not even exist 5 years ago. The most important thing at this stage is to let our youngsters know the options they have available.

I am delighted to have a careers department at our school which focus on the individual and ensures all options are explored.

Yesterday, Ms Kellawan led the first session with Year 11 pupils on careers. Students were guided through different activities and tests in order to gather more information about their interests and experiences to date. This was a great way to learn about themselves, their strengths and challenges as they get closer to thinking about a career pathway.

On Tuesday 27 November for the first time, Aloha College will host our first Learning Conference for students (Year 11, Year 12, Year 13) and their parents. We have invited outside speakers who will introduce their discipline to students taking steps towards making their Sixth Form Options as well as talking to our current Year 12 and Year 13 pupils about future paths.

I am confident this will be a great success.

Yours sincerely,



Francisco Escobar

Headteacher, Secondary