Spanish Assembly – Year 6
Year 6 pupils were keen to show their colleagues and families how varied and rich Spanish culture is, so their assembly was dedicated to holidays celebrated in the different regions. Children and teaching staff all participated and were enthusiastically applauded.
Save the Children Charity Race
ALL Aloha College students, from 3 – 18 year olds, ran the Save the Children Charity Race on Friday 18 November. Some took it very seriously and ran at tremendous speed, others arrived at their goal relieved it was over. But at the end the general feeling was that it was a very worthwhile event which strengthened even further the ties between Junior and Senior School and of course raised money for the Save the Children’s work in the Congo, so desperately needed.
Year 12 visit to Sur Office Malaga
Year 12 enjoyed their behind-the-scenes visit to the Sur office in Malaga this week, and learnt in depth about how a daily newspaper is produced.
Special Awards – Cambridge Examinations
Two Aloha College students received special awards from the Cambridge International Examinations Board for their June 2011 exam results.
Aloha College Awarded “People’s Choice for School
On Saturday 19 November Essential Marbella celebrated its 6th annual prize-giving. Representatives and professional people from the most prestigious organisations in the area attended. Aloha College is to be congratulated yet again this year on winning the prize for “People’s Choice for School”. Thousands of people voted – you amongst them – so we would like once again to thank you for supporting your children’s school.
“2011 Innovation” award Ex Pupil Aloha
Fran Gómez, an ex-pupil of Aloha College, received the “2011 Innovation” award for his company “I-answer”, which provides schools with the most up-to-date technology for pupil assessment.
Essential Magazine Awards – vote
We are asking parents and students, family and friends, to vote again for Aloha College in the Best School category of the Essential Magazine awards.
Year 4 Visit to Lobo Park
On Friday morning a very excited group of Year 4 children and teachers set off on a trip to Lobo Park (Wolf Park). The children had already had lessons in science about habitats and the trip was designed to further their learning about this topic.
Junior School Halloween
Junior School celebrated Halloween by dressing up as ghouls, witches and wizards on Friday 28 October.After school, Year 13 organised a special Halloween party for Years 5 and 6 involving lots of spooky games, which pupils enjoyed immensely!
Blues Night – Hideaway Bridges
In October the great American blues artist, Eugene Hideaway Bridges, visited Aloha College to offer a fun blues evening for families. During lesson time he played in music workshops with both Junior and Senior children and for the first part of the evening he was accompanied by our very own school band on guitar, keyboard and drums. The event raised 1000 euros, which will be spent on improvements to the Hall.
3NOS Assembly
This term in 3NOS we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians. So, for our class assembly we all dressed up in our best Egyptian costumes and went back in time down the river Nile to when Tutankhamen became king, then to the time when Howard Carter discovered his tomb many years later!Along the way […]