Year 13 Spanish A visit to Granada
This week Spanish A Year 13 students visited Granada as part of their curriculum. The objective of the trip was to know García Lorca’s context for a better understanding of his poetry. In the morning, students arrive at Fuente Vaqueros where we visit the poet’s native house. There we could appreciate the objects Lorca was […]
Y4 – Y6 Marbella Orienteering Feb 2019
On 13th February, Aloha College took ten teams to participate in the Marbella Orienteering competition organised by the Ayuntamiento Marbella. Aloha College finished 1st in the Alevines Category and 2nd in the Benjamines Category. Congratulations to all who participated particularly, Oscar, Nolan, Akezhan, Claudia, Jimena, Anatoly, Kira and Chloe.
Y3 Assembly Feb 2019 – Amazing Egyptians…
“Amazing Egyptians, Exciting Egyptians …” was definitely the order of the day when Year 3 presented their IPC work on this ancient civilisation. We saw a group of Egyptologists open the assembly to the tune of Indiana Jones as they made their way back in time to teach us many of the historical facts they […]
Costa del Sol International Schools Cross Country Feb 2019
Congratulations to all our amazing athletes whose weeks of dedicated training paid off in the International Schools Cross Country event at St Anthony’s College, Mijas Costa, last Thursday. We are now the proud owners of the Costa del Sol International Schools Cross Country Champions’ Cup. There were 8 International schools participating and Aloha won by 50 […]
YEAR 2 Planeta Explora’s visit Feb 2019
Year 2 were amazed by the fantastic experiments that the ´Planeta Explora´ team helped us undertake. Firstly, we learnt about liquids, solids and gas, then we played with bubbles and finally we made colourful gas using colouring, dry ice and water vapour. It was great fun being scientists for a day!
Year 9 Stock Market Challenge
On Tuesday 5 February, the school organized the Y9 Stock Market Challenge. We were sorted into groups of 4 in our houses and each table had a Y12 student to help us. The challenge consisted in investing money into different companies and buying and selling shares. It made us see what it was like to […]
Y1 Planeta Explora’s visit 6 Feb 2019
Year 1 had a wonderful visit from the Planeta Explora team. They provided a variety of very entertaining and fun science experiments related to solids, liquids and gasses. The children made coloured gas from water vapour, colouring and dry ice. They had fun watching bubbles grow. They played hot potato with an ever expanding bag. […]
Supporting CRECE Association Feb 2019
On Monday 4 February, Aloha College delivered to CRECE Association the money raised with the sale in the school of their calendar where children from Aloha participate. CRECE is committed to the care of children and adults who require special education, you can find more information at:
Year 1 Assembly Feb 2019 – A home for a hedgehog
Year 1 have been focusing on animals and their habitats as part of their IPC unit. This has involved researching different animals and finding out why they need to live in particular habitats. The assembly ‘A home for a hedgehog’ told the story of two hedgehogs strolling through Pine Forest, hoping to find a home […]
As part of a beautiful charity project organised by Year 12 students Miriam, Nacho, Carlota and Asay, on Friday 25 January, a non-uniform day took place in the school which revealed yet again the remarkable generosity and kindness of the students. We raised money to support Sarah Almagro, who was infected with a meningococcus which […]
Y6 Trip to Planeta Explora
Year 6 enjoyed a visit to Planeta Explora in January as an addition to their learning in IPC. They mixed acid and alkaline to create a reaction, generated energy and looked at momentum and speed. They investigated the size of the planets and created a rocket by mixing bicarbonate of soda, water and vinegar. A […]
Y5 Trip to Planeta Explora
Year 5 went on an educational trip to Planeta Explora. We enjoyed learning all about forces, as well as conducting various experiments to improve our knowledge of chemical reactions. We also learned about the Solar System and how gravity affects our galaxy. We really enjoyed being practical to improve our scientific understanding.