Dear Team Year 6 2019
Your Primary School Learning Journey is now complete and a new adventure in your life is about to begin. This year in particular you have shown increasing maturity in the classroom and as role models to the younger children.
As you move onto Year 7 I hope that you remember the following in your learning or in life:
- You are unique and you are special. Build on this but always respect the diversity of others
- You will make mistakes, everyone does, but learn from them
- Remain resilient and never give up when challenged and never give in to peer pressure or be pulled in the wrong direction
Thank you for being a wonderful team and on behalf of myself and all the Primary School we wish you every success in the future.
Thank you for being a wonderful team and on behalf of myself and all the Primary School, we wish you every success in the future.
Your sincerely

Kathryn Salmon
Headteacher, Primary