On Tuesday Dr Walker and Gerardo (our technician) and a group of intrepid Year 8 students led a Science Roadshow for our Foundation Stage children. The theme was “Changes” There were some big experiments including, exploding custard and elephants toothpaste. There were also some hands-on activities where the students explored chemical and physical changes; and looked at colour changes with indicators, acids and alkalis. Leading the teaching and learning in the hands-on activities were a bunch of very able and enthusiastic Year 8 students. In the words of Miss Emma “The children had a fantastic time and are very excited about all the scientific possibilities for our new unit “Change”, with many of them already saying they are going to be scientists when they grow up!” Our Year 8 students were superb ambassadors for learning science they engaged so well with the younger children and maybe taught the adults a thing or two about science…
Language and Literature (Language A). Students take their studies in a language in which they are academically competent.
Language acquisition (Language B). A modern language course with an emphasis on understanding another culture through its language.
Individuals and Societies: Provides for the development of a critical appreciation of the nature and activities of human activities in history and the physical, economic and social environment that people inhabit.
Experimental Sciences: The exploration of concepts, theories, models and techniques that underpin each subject area and through these, develop their understanding of the scientific method.
Mathematics: The development of mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles and the development of logical, critical and creative thinking.
The Arts: Students develop their understanding of the dynamic and changing nature of the arts and explore the diversity of arts and learn to express themselves with confidence and competence. Students may opt to study an additional science, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.