Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Sierra Nevada for two nights. For many children it was the first time they had been on the slopes and for a few children, the first time they had ever been in contact with snow! The children were split into ability groups and then were taken off for 8 hours of tuition over two days by fully qualified instructors. Each and every child made excellent progress, the most noticeable progress of course were the non-skiers, who made it onto the lifts and up the green slopes by the end of the excursion. Teaching staff and monitors were so proud of their achievements, and the children themselves experienced what real resilience is! Carrying their own skis and poles and coping with the uncomfortable boots was a challenge, but all children were up to the job and the trip was a highly successful one, with behaviour being exemplary.
Language and Literature (Language A). Students take their studies in a language in which they are academically competent.
Language acquisition (Language B). A modern language course with an emphasis on understanding another culture through its language.
Individuals and Societies: Provides for the development of a critical appreciation of the nature and activities of human activities in history and the physical, economic and social environment that people inhabit.
Experimental Sciences: The exploration of concepts, theories, models and techniques that underpin each subject area and through these, develop their understanding of the scientific method.
Mathematics: The development of mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles and the development of logical, critical and creative thinking.
The Arts: Students develop their understanding of the dynamic and changing nature of the arts and explore the diversity of arts and learn to express themselves with confidence and competence. Students may opt to study an additional science, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.