WED 27 MAR – School Photos, session 2, Only new and absent pupils.
MON 18 MAR – Year 4 Assembly (9:15 h, School Hall)
MON 25 MAR- Mrs Salmon’s Assembly (9:15 h, School Hall)
Assembly Calendar Term 2
We ask all parents to please sign in at the main reception when attending assemblies.
MON 18 MAR: Year 10 Parents’ evening. Remember to make your appointments on Meet the Teacher.
FRI 22 MAR: Photography competition: “Get caught Reading”. Access the poster here.
MON 25 MAR: Year 12 Parents’ evening. Remember to make your appointments on Meet the Teacher.
THU 28 MAR: Trip to Málaga Philharmonic Orchestra concert at Teatro Cervantes, Year 10 (only music students). Please complete the authorisation for all day trips here.
THU 28 AND FRI 29 MAR: CAS Trip to El Chorro, Year 12.
Safety: In the interest of children’s safety please remember that only the blue pitch Primary School door is used as a entrance/exit door for Year 1 and Year 2 in the morning.
Attendance policy Reminder
Aloha College Marbella actively promotes and encourages 100% attendance for all pupils. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them.
Outstanding – 98% and above
Good – 96%
Acceptable – 95%
Unsatisfactory – below 95%
Attendance Concerns – When necessary parents are contacted by class teachers/tutors/Heads, and invited to discuss how the situation may be avoided.
Absences – Parents/carers should contact the school on the first day of their child’s absence. When parents/carers notify us of their child’s absence it is important that they provide us with details of the reason for their absence. It is important that we receive accurate information from parents with reasons for the child’s absence. This information is used to determine whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised.
Request for Future Leave of Absence – All parents requesting leave of absence for exceptional circumstances must complete this form. Authorised absence is where the School has either given approval in advance for a pupil to be away or accepted an explanation offered afterwards as satisfactory reason for absence.
Punctuality and Lateness – Children should be delivered to and collected from School promptly. If a child is late for School, please ensure he/she or the parents sign the Late Book, which can be found on the Reception desk. Please remember lateness must be avoided at all times.
The main School gate will be closed at 09:05 am. At 9:10 am registration is closed.
Y6 Residential Trip to Doñana, Tue 2 – Fri 5 April, important information here.
WED 27 MAR – Y4-Y5 Football Competition, selected children (La Menacha, Algeciras – organised by SIS, Sotogrande International School). The bus will leave school at approximately 9:15 h and will return before the end of the school day. Children will be provided with packed lunch, however, please note that students who do NOT have school meals will be required to bring their own packed lunch when going on a school trip. If you would like to order one from school, please contact the Administration office in advance, as this will have an additional cost. Pupils should wear their school PE kit and they should bring a small bag and water bottle. Electronic devices are not allowed. Parents welcome.
All Day Trips Consent Form 2018-2019 – Please complete and sign this consent form and return it as soon as possible to your child’s form tutor.