On Friday 17th May, Luis Carmona, Roberto Holmes and David Khudoyan were invited to the Marbella TV programme “Ahora Marbella” to be interviewed about their experiences at the International Maths Competition held in Vienna last March. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to share their experience of international competitions and inspire viewers. This popular local TV programme is broadcast live everyday from 10:00 to 13:00 and highlights the lives of those living and working in the Marbella area.
“Going to the live TV interview in Marbella was the experience of a lifetime. Being in a TV Studio for the first time was awe-inspiring. The presenter, Roberto Caballero, was friendly and welcoming, which made us feel comfortable. He asked questions about the competition and how we got elected to represent our school, among other things. We like maths because it makes a lot of sense if you understand it and when you do it, you just enjoy it”