Dear Parents,

I hope this letter finds you and your families well.
All my working life there have been wonderful and challenging times but I have never experienced anything like the circumstances we now find ourselves in, nationally and globally.
My heartfelt thanks go out to you all for your full support and for the appreciation you have shown us for our efforts to ensure that education continues for your children.
We all understand how difficult it has been for you to support your children while they are confined to your homes full-time. We have certainly seen our Aloha College family working together in the best way we can.
You will have received more detailed information from both sections of the school, Primary and Secondary. Like myself, Mr Escobar and Mrs Salmon are always available to address any concerns you may have.
We fully commend all staff, including our administration department who have continued to work and commit themselves 100% to help the school continue to function. Your personal messages of encouragement to some individual members of the teaching staff have really helped them too, as many face this time alone in their apartments.
Your children have been wondrous, submitting their work online, participating in “live” lessons on Google Classroom, communicating with their teachers while, we hope, not causing you too many headaches.
Our aim is to continue to support their pastoral needs with class teachers/tutors, with the pastoral team of Ms Verinder, Ms Thompson, Mrs Saunders and Mr Wakefield being available to address any difficulties that your child may have coping with this situation.
It has been a huge learning curve for all of us. We are continually evaluating our practice and making changes where necessary to continue to give the best service possible. In general, I can end the first week truly believing that everyone; Board of Trustees, Management, parents, pupils and staff have all given 100% for the sake of our children.
I hope that you, your loved ones, colleagues, friends and families remain healthy and safe. We will be in constant communication with you until that thrilling moment when we re-open the doors of Aloha College Marbella to its families and children once again.
Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Batchelor