Dear parents,

This is the final general newsletter of this academic year 2020/21. Where has this year gone? We all agree it has been a very difficult year for everyone in so many ways but, in true Aloha style, we came through with flying colours.
The fact that we are one of the few schools worldwide which has managed to remain open full-time for pupils’ face-to-face learning is a credit to our whole school community. Our children’s wellbeing has been the most important thing for all of us. Let us keep our last week of term happy and safe.
Mr Escobar and I would like to share a little of last week’s news from both sections of the college.
Primary News
Miss Eldred
We welcomed Miss Rebecca Eldred, our newly-appointed Primary Headteacher, to school on Wednesday. She travelled from Dubai to meet all of the children and staff before she takes up her permanent position in September. She came happy to school, and left even happier.
She was greeted by Nikita and Vera (Year 5PSM) under a huge “Welcome” banner designed by Miss Freeman’s class.
She said she was overwhelmed by the welcome, loved your children, and can’t wait for September.
Meeting the teachers
Yesterday, all our Primary children met the teachers whose class they will be in in September, and spent some time in their new classrooms. This, we hope, will make all of them happy and less anxious about returning to school in September.
We had a lovely morning, the children were really excited. Please ask your children about their experience! Thank you to all the parents for their positive comments about this initiative – it is one we will repeat as it also helps you the parents prepare your children for the new academic year.
New sunshades in Foundation Stage
Parents, teachers and children were thrilled with the new shades which have just been fitted in the Early Years playground
Nursery children lend a hand
Our Nursery children helped the maintenance department make our mini-buses spick and span; they enjoyed every second and soaked themselves and their teachers with water and soapsuds!
Year 6 Graduation
During the last week of term we will be enjoying graduation assemblies by Year 6 pupils who will be moving into the Secondary section in September. These will be exciting moments for all, although tinged with sadness, as the children look forward to the next stage of their learning journey. Mums and Dads bring your tissues – you will be moved by what you see!
Trips – at last!
The children of Years 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed some trips outside school – the first time this academic year. Their feedback revealed they had enjoyed every minute. We have arranged special days next week for the rest of the Primary School.
Maths Certificates and Prizes
Earned the most coins in NUMBOTS:
Year 1: Ivo Piwek, Celine Hagbo and Denis Zhukov
Year 2: Marvin Matter, Ali Allawi and Jenna Wahlroos
Collected the most coins in TTRS:
Year 2: Henry Howard, Youna Delavari and Emma Robb
Year 3: Neo Powell, Sara Alonso Garcia and Victor Heitz Veiga
Year 4: Soraya Rohayem El Khayati, Luis Fernando Fay Perez and Aurelia Howard
Year 5: Sergey Kononenko, Luca Leader and Lana El-Rais
Year 6: Yohan Le Courvennec, Alexey Ermolov, Luca Aragon van der Lely and Sandra Gajos
Collected the most stars in Doodle Maths:
Year 4: Meral Madi, Arseniy Dishdishyan and José Gutierrez Villafranca
Year 5: Carlos Gutierrez Coelho, Daniel OHayon Karlov and Honey Holmes
Played the most on Manga High:
Year 6: Elin Hoglund, Zlata Luchko, Yousef Toubah and Ruihang Yong
Secondary News
Athletics Day
At the end of a very restrictive year for sport, it was fantastic to be able to provide the opportunity to our students to compete in a full athletics competition. Students have worked hard over the last 6 weeks during PE lessons to ensure they were able to perform to the best of their abilities on the day. All students selected their preferred three disciplines from both track and field and went all out to get as many points as possible for their house. The track events were awesome with the relays stealing the show at the end with some very tight, hard -fought and close races. In the field events, there were some outstanding efforts and new records set along the way.
Congratulations to all our athletes who ran, jumped and threw for their respective houses. They were magnificent! Behaviour was once again exemplary and the standard of athletic performances was very high. Many athletes managed to set new personal bests which is fantastic and the PE department are immensely proud of their commitment and effort. We look forward to our next inter house sports day, hopefully under different circumstances.
Science fair
The annual Year 9 science fair was a resounding success as the students showed off their experimental skills, to create an engaging and quite literally, explosive event for the Aloha school community to enjoy. The students showed off their scientific research and inquiry skills in generating a wide variety of research questions from the many spheres of the science disciplines. The students were kept busy all morning with visits from the younger year groups and the chaperoning teachers, who tested the students’ knowledge with some tough questions, but received confident and expert explanations. Showcasing the knowledge and hard work that each team has invested in the science fair and making this year’s event really go off with a bang!
Y10 Art Workshop with Tom Bryne
Last week our year 10 IGCSE Art students took part in a virtual artist workshop with Florence-based painter
Mr Tom Bryne. Tom is an Irish landscape painter who spoke inspirationally about his life and work in Italy and shared many helpful tips about Au Plein Air painting techniques. Our students were able to ask lots of questions and learn from a professional landscape painter.
It was a very insightful workshop and the students finished the session motivated, equipped and eager to start their Summer Au Plein Air Art projects.
Here you can see two examples of Tom Bryne’s work
We also say goodbye to some children and families who are leaving us, mainly to return to their native countries. We wish you success and happiness.
The following teachers are moving to pastures new:

We thank them for their dedicated service and their commitment to your children. We wish them every success and happiness in their new ventures.
Early notice that at the end of September we will be saying a sad farewell to Mrs Susan Robson de Morales (Registrar and Personal Assistant), who is retiring after 29 years of successful, dedicated, professional service to Aloha College Marbella. I will be devoting a special newsletter to her in September.
Goodbye to Year 13
On Thursday 24 June we bid farewell to our Year 13 pupils. They will enjoy a graduation ceremony with their parents present, immediately followed by the traditional “Prom” with just themselves and some teaching staff.
We hope they enjoy these events and keep them as happy memories of ACM.
Congratulations to all our graduating class of 2021. We wish each and every one of you happiness, good health, and success. Thank you for being the ambassadors of Aloha College Marbella.
Jeremy Albouhair Galache
Salvador Astolfi Núñez
Estelle Belaiche
Nicolás Benet Vincenti
Majdouline Berrada El Azizi
James Blackwell
James Chatland Lopez-Pozas
Alexandra Chikhacheva
Dante Ciambrelli Capizzi
Mencía de la Linde Martín
Chantal del Carmen Domínguez Bolshakova
Karim Fakhry Ortega
Janis Forstmanis
Juan García Rodríguez
Chiara Giannullo
Michelle Giesbers
Harald Hauke Arriola
Lauren Heath
Jiaxin Ji
David Kotovich
Adriana León Villares
Patricia Malagón Pérez
Charlotte Marin Finstad
Edward Martínez Saunders
Kasper Nilsson
Francesca Piscina
Alisa Polyak
Martín Ranea Marina
Sofía Rebossio Insua
Anna Elena Reisbeck
Lara Reynolds
Abigail Rosensverd Nilsson
Caio Simon
Aryamann Singh Jadon
Zachary Smythe
Lucas Solé Bravo
Evelina Stanikova
William Stead Infantes
Dexter Sylmé
Ablaikhan Tatishev
Angelina Tishchenko
Alisa Udaltsova
Sophia Unger Navarrete
Jacobus Van der ent
Matteo Vernuccio
End of school year
Please remember that the school closes for all pupils on Thursday 24 June at the normal times.
Francisco Escobar, Victor Ranea and myself thank you for your full support and wish you and your families a lovely last week in school and a wonderful, safe, happy, relaxed summer vacation.
Elizabeth Batchelor, Principal
Francisco Escobar, Head of Secondary