Dear Parents,
Another week has flown by!
Never give up!
From someone whose favourite sport is Athletics, I was thrilled to spend some time with Alvaro talking to me about his recent success in a duathlon (road bike and running) held in Tíjola (Almería) recently. The best part of Alvaro’s story was about how he frequently competed and, by his own confession, “never won anything”. Through sheer determination he continued to train in all areas of the triathlon – cycling, swimming, running -on a daily basis. Last weekend he took part in the Andalucian championship and won first place in the duathlon of cycling and running. A perfect example of what happens when you live by one of our school values – RESILIENCE. Well done, Alvaro, you deserve your success! Enjoy his moments: watch the video!
Update on Coronavirus
We have been advised that the incubation period for Coronavirus is now 3 weeks. Can we please remind parents of our current internal procedure? If any parent has recently returned from China or a country where there are many reported cases please declare this in writing to our School Nurse Sara. If your child has travelled to these countries also, he/she must be in good health before they return to school. They must then report daily to the Nurse at 9 am to have their temperature checked for a period of 3 weeks. We are constantly requesting advice and updates from the appropriate authorities. I thank you in advance for your support in this matter.
Saturday training
Today as you read this newsletter 100 staff will be in school receiving training on various issues required to help make us even better prepared to educate your children. Thank you to our committed staff for their attendance today.
Don’t forget that our musical spectacular takes place next week (Tuesday and Wednesday 18.00, Thursday 19.00 h). You need to get your tickets now – they are selling fast!
This is just the sort of entertainment to get us in the mood for our half-term holiday (24 to 28 February).
Wild Hair Day in Primary
It was a great way to start the day, watching Primary pupils stream in with their decorated hairdo’s, ranging from spiders to doughnuts! Thank you all for joining in!
Goodbye to Sergio Caballero
Sergio has been working with us for some months as financial assistant in the administration office, covering a maternity leave. He has been a great addition to the team and we are sorry to see him go. Hopefully he will return in the future!
Have a lovely weekend all of you.
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
― Nelson Mandela
Yours sincerely
Elizabeth Batchelor
Dear Parents,
This week the teachers have been refocusing on Growth Mindset and sharing experiences of their classes. Miss Anne, Year 2 class teacher, led a very informative staff meeting in which we all took a little time out to reflect upon our own mindsets.
Why is this important?
For many years we as teachers have understood the powerful connection between having a ‘Growth Mindset’ and achieving academically. This is why we encourage our children to believe they can learn anything, even tricky subjects if they show resilience and keep trying rather than giving up. Also that mistakes are OK if we learn from them. We also know that this approach has a positive impact upon children’s health. This is especially important when we focus on praising the effort a child has made rather than just the final result.
Leading up to half term children are being asked to select their favourite piece of learning since the start of term. They are being asked why they chose this piece and, what have they learnt from it? I’m sure they will enjoy explaining this to you too just like Sonya 2ARS below.
On Tuesday Year 3 children visited the Dolmen Centre of Corominas in Estepona. The children are beginning their new IPC Unit ‘Footprints from the past’ and as their ‘Entry Point’ they visited this local discovery, an archaeological museum with artefacts between 3000 and 4000 years old. As one child said to me “It was great fun and the bones and pots were so old and yes, a lot older than you.”
Thank you to all Primary parents who attended the PSHE Info Meeting yesterday. Alison Harris, a consultant speaker and author from the Jigsaw programme, explained the importance of the Personal, Social and Health Education programme.
Y5-6 children enjoyed yesterday a St Valentine’s Party organised by the Secondary School InterAct Club. The money raised from this year’s event will be in aid of Triple A, Marbella, as part of the ‘Be Kind’ to creatures campaign.
Yesterday all Primary children came to school with crazy hair styles to show that we also care about the wildlife that inhabits our planet, especially those that are endangered – again, as part of our ‘Be Kind’ campaign.
It has been a huge pleasure to welcome Sarah, Zoe and Cecilia, three students from the University of South Wales, into the Primary School. They are final year students who have achieved their QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) and are completing a professional practice in their chosen subject in their final year of teacher training. They experienced teaching and learning in an international setting with children in Reception, Year 2 and Year 3. Yesterday we said goodbye and we wish them every success in the future.
Miss Laura Hobson, Year 1-LHB and Miss Catherine Scott, Year 6-CST will meet with parents next week (see Primary important dates & reminders).
This week I am pleased to welcome Georgia Lansdowne as part of our teaching team. Miss Lansdowne will be teaching EAL (English Additional Language) while Miss Freeman is on maternity leave.
As I regularly say to the children, we are never too old to learn and so today all the teaching staff are in school receiving further training.
I hope to see many of you next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday when Year 6 children will perform in the Secondary theatrical production Grease, The Musical.
Aloha Value Focus this half term – Honesty
Personal Goal Target for February – Enquiry – What do I want to learn more about and why?
Yours sincerely
Kathryn Salmon
Headteacher, Primary
Dear Parents,
Last Saturday, I went to the cinema with my sister. We saw a Georgian film in the original version (with Spanish subtitles!). At the end of the film we talked about the universal nature of emotions; it was not necessary to pay attention to the subtitles to know if the character was feeling happy, sad, disappointed or angry in some of the scenes. We do not need written or spoken language to interpret emotions, do we?
Let’s take a look at those tiny drawings called ’emojis’, which have barged into our lives through technology. They have become a practical and attractive language for many of us. We seem to have gone back in time, prioritising the visual over the written expression. In Altamira, for example, people used to draw hunting scenes and animals thousands of years ago in order to communicate effectively.
The idea of a universal language is interesting. We only have to look at mathematics and music to know that; no matter where one comes from, the meaning of or ♯ is understood. The same goes for the signs we find at airports or train stations.You don’t need the word written to work out the meaning of:
As I said before, interpreting human emotion in a film is relatively straight forward. The difficulty is trying to express an emotion and many other things out of an inert object. In fact, some languages struggle to adequately represent gender. ‘Emojis’, on the other hand, have variations to differentiate between gender, race and age.
It is fascinating to see how language evolves. Perhaps this is what the future will be, a combination of letters, images, audios and videos to communicate with. I am sure that your children can write a whatsapp message without using a single word !
I would like to end this letter with a message using only ’emojis’. There will be a prize that can be collected from my office for the person (student, parent or staff) who translates the following:
I hope you have a nice weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Francisco Escobar
Headteacher, Secondary