Dear Parents,

Well, what a week, who would have thought it would end this way so suddenly. You will appreciate, after reading my letters of yesterday, that this may be the last newsletter for a couple of weeks.
Home-school communication will continue but in a different way. We will be corresponding with individual or specific groups of parents about their children, rather than giving you whole-school news as there will be no community events for a while.
This worldwide issue has dominated recent news so let’s enjoy looking at some of this week’s work and celebrations.
Sixth Form Gym
Our new outdoor gym has been heavily used this week by sixth formers, some who simply want a light workout whilst others are busily battling with the punch bags to relieve some of their stress levels.
It has been a pleasure watching them enjoy this new facility.
Aloha Values – Care
As a caring school we not only look after our pupils but also after our staff. Like you parents, many have aging or sick relatives in their native countries. Very sadly, this week we offer our sincere condolences to Mr Wade, whose father passed away, and Mrs Sylvia Depreatere whose younger brother died.
ACBC – visit by professional players
Before our additional measures were imposed, ACBC welcomed four professional well-known basketball players to demonstrate their skills to our players. Their level demonstrated what practice, training and dedication can do to help you become a better player. Thank you to the Basketball coaches for organising this.
More sporting achievements
What has one of our athletes been up to this week?
Florence Sargent competed recently in Valencia at the Spanish National Athletics Championships, in the U-18 800 metre event. Although Florrie didn’t win her event on this occasion, it doesn’t matter; what was important was the “learning” throughout the competition. I know I will witness, when I’m very old, Florrie competing in the Olympics. This is yet another example of a pupil with enough self-discipline to train several hours a day yet still excel at her school work. Congratulations, Florrie!
Award for Artwork
Congratulations to Lisa Xiao, Year 13, who won the first prize in the Sur in English Educational Supplement for her wonderful artwork “Rebirth”. The experts commented that the painting was “intriguing”; “it manages to look light, even though there’s a lot going on, which is not easy considering it’s an oil painting; it shows us into an imaginary world. ………… It’s about the world now, the world tomorrow and the things that inspired us in the past.
Social Media Consent Form
A few weeks ago we shared with you a form in which we asked for your express consent for the use of images and videos of your children in internal communications, marketing actions and social networks.
Social networks will be used to inform you about events and other aspects of the school in an efficient and simple way. We hope you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram through @alohacollege
We kindly request your consent though the form you can access by clicking this link.
I heard a nice quote on the radio yesterday as I drove to school: “There is no lift to success, you have to climb the stairs”. How true is that?!
Thank you to all for your full support and for the many late night emails expressing your gratitude. They reach my heart.
Have a lovely weekend.

Elizabeth Batchelor
Dear Parents,

As you can see from the communications from Mrs Batchelor we have formulated a plan to ensure your child’s education continues despite it being at home rather than school. The first thing we need to remember here is the impact this will have on the children. It is essential that we as adults remain calm and reassuring. All that we say or do as adults will increase or decrease their anxiety.
You may find that your children are more attention-seeking at this time as they are anxious. A good way to help them though this is by encouraging them to express their emotions through conversations, writing, drawing or singing, and having someone who listens to them.
Your child’s teachers will be providing a mixture of lessons and activities which will provide some stability and normality and also continued contact with another adult who cares. These will be a mixture of online and ‘hands on’ as we are conscious of the ill effects of prolonged screen time for young children.
As I say to the children and teachers, we are a team, and together we will help each other through this challenging time. Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or your child’s class teacher if you have any access to homework issues or further questions.
Special Blossom Award February 2020
Congratulations to all the children who have blossomed last February:
Stella Sjoberg and Maximiliam Mc Dougall Bernabé (FS1), Tina Anakhasyan and Adhara Abad (FS2), Henry Howard and Maria Astolfi (Y1), Roxane Bourasseau and Emilio de Blick Galacho (Y2), Alba Shechter and Ivan González (Y3), Javier Aguilar Del Rio and Nikita Knezovich (Y4), Hugo Hay Evans and Zaya Zavery (Y5), Etienne Star and Oleksii Prusov(Y6).
NABSS Times Tables Rock Stars competition
We were very successful in the Times Table Rock Stars Competition with 5Ma1A winning out of the whole school. The top three performers were: 3rd place Gamzat Muduez Y5, 2nd place Savannah Rodoni Y6 and 1st place Alexey Ermelov Y5, who answered over 11,000 answers correctly. The top scorers from other year groups were as follows: Zayn Müller Y2, James Robb Y3 and Rafael Tye Y4. Well done everyone for competing and keep up the good work!
Aloha Value Focus – Next half term EFFORT
Personal Goal Target for March – MORALITY
Yours sincerely

Kathryn Salmon
Headteacher, Primary
Dear Parents,

When I arrive at school every morning, I always see the same student sitting in the secondary reception area. After saying “good morning”, he does not respond; he simply smiles at me. This smile gets me off to a good start every day. I’m sure it happens to all of us: having a laugh with friends or adding a little humour to any situation makes things go so much better.
It’s not me who says so, but the experts in Psychology and Science: humour is a natural antidote to depression and stress. One minute of laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of relaxation. Laughter allows us to communicate and is a powerful tool to improve our personal relationships. It is clear that, as in the example I mentioned earlier, laughter, or a smile, generates a positive effect on those around us. Psychologist José Elías maintains that the practice of laughter increases self-esteem, eliminates fear and is an immunological reinforcement.
Did you know that in India there were sacred temples for the practice of laughter? Some Hindu literature talks about laughter as a meditation technique. It is a way of getting to know your inner self and helps us to be in harmony with the world.
More than 4000 years ago in the Chinese empire, people gathered just to laugh in order to balance their health. There are Chinese philosophical currents which claim that to be healthy you have to smile at least 30 times a day.
Every time we laugh, our body sets in motion about 400 muscles: those of the face and some of the thorax, abdomen and stomach. When we laugh, twice as much air gets into our lungs and we secrete endorphins, which boost creativity.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the laughter therapy workshops that exist today. Well, back in the 16th century a French doctor, François Rabelais, was the first to apply laughter therapy. Aristotle himself, thousands of years ago, described laughter as a “valuable exercise for health”. The role of the jester was institutionalised in the medieval courts and royalties, thus promoting laughter.
When we are in a good mood, it is normal for us to generate more positive thoughts. Laughter can help us put difficulties into perspective and start to create a good state of mind that leads to optimism and well-being.
Let’s listen to Charles Chaplin who said: “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
I hope you have a good weekend.

Francisco Escobar
Headteacher, Secondary