Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all the children who have returned after the half-term break looking super smart in their new winter uniform. Please remember all children from Year 3 should be wearing a blazer and a tie.
Our weekly target last week was Care. In our Monday morning assembly we talked about how we can show we CARE as well as our November Learning goal of TO BE EMPATHETIC (to be thoughtful).
These discussions have been a great preparation for next week’s ‘Be Kind/AntiBullying Week’. Please remember that on Monday everyone in our ACM community will be wearing odd socks. The idea of odd socks day is to allow children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and uniqueness. By doing it altogether, we are uniting for the same cause. As I often say to the children “everyone is special but together we are a great team”.
Once again I have been very proud of the children ‘s efforts with their learning. More importantly to see how proud the children are of their own achievements.
The first to ‘Wow’ me this week was Adam Mouhib 2GLA. As you can see he is very proud of his independent learning, creating this very informative poster about keeping our teeth healthy. A good advice for us all, thank you Adam!
4CLA children showed that they are ‘Super Scientists’, when as part of their Bright Sparks IPC unit of learning, they made their own electrical circuits. They were given all the equipment and, using their knowledge and skills, worked together to make a circuit on their own.
House challenges
During the last week of term, children from FS1 to Year 6 participated in academic and non-academic House challenges. Team spirit was very obvious and the children’s excitement at House competition was felt during the two Primary House Days (28-29 October). Sevilla obtained the most House points, however when added to the overall totals it was Córdoba who were the winning House for Autumn 1. Congratulations to all the children for your hardwork and dedication to your House.
Click here to obtain your Córdoba certificate.
Winning House
These totals are amazing for half a term and I know the children are trying very hard to achieve them as they aren’t given out easily.
Talk Homework – On Monday I shared my ‘Promise of Kindness’ with everyone in assembly. What are your promises of kindness?
Aloha Value – RESPECT
November’s Personal Learning Goal – To be Empathetic (to be thoughtful).
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Kathryn Salmon
Headteacher, Primary
Dear Parents,

I hope you have had a nice half term. We are ready for another successful term ahead!
Anti Bullying week is about to start! In order to raise awareness of this campaign, we have asked all students and staff to wear odd socks on Monday. Two students in Year 12, Roberto Menchen and Anna Alieva, from the Be Kind team have volunteered to write this week’s newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading their thoughts on kindness.
Kindness is, by definition, a behaviour marked by the acts of generosity, consideration and concern for others, with no expectation of something in return. Kindness is one of those words that, while it has a clear definition, is more abstract than what a dictionary tells us.
Kindness can be opening a door for somebody, so they can walk through first; it can be waiting for someone so that you can walk with them; it can be as simple as a single smile that you share. It is not an act we commit because we think somebody needs it. Not because we want to feel better. It is an act that comes from something deeper within ourselves. It borders on selflessness and empathy, in a desire to make somebody else’s day better. In doing so, we may, yet not always, feel better ourselves, but it is not about that.
It is about giving the good we have to someone who doesn’t. Close your eyes. Imagine having no friends, no kind words, no kind actions. Is that somewhere you’d like to be?
Our friendships, family and ourselves are our greatest sources of kindness. Yet it is not limited to just these. Take a moment to realise how many people actually make an effort to spend time with you; how many actually care about you. Surprisingly, even if you don’t come up with many names, I assure you, there are so many more people that care about you; more than you think. You don’t know just how many people you have helped or caused a positive impact on. Your actions have a bigger impact than you might realise. That is kindness, like a stone being skipped on a still pond – you have no idea how many ripples a simple, small thing can create.
What you might not realise is that in order to really be kind to others, you must come to terms with being kind to yourself. Loving and accepting yourself the way you are, or working to change your life for the better, or even treating yourself to small things that make you happy – any of these are a great way to demonstrate kindness and in turn, benefit your mental health.
Kindness is the most contagious feeling and the best cure. During such complicated times, in such a difficult world, be kind. “Because that’s what kindness is. It’s not doing something for someone else because they can’t, but because you can.”
Anna Alieva and Roberto Menchen ( Year 12)
Francisco Escobar
Headteacher, Secondary