Dear Parents,

The summer is now well and truly here! It is so hard to believe how fast this term is going.
I begin by confirming, as promised, the total amount raised by our charity Fundacion Aladina which, as you are aware, helps to support young people with cancer. Your generosity amounted to € 1,641.00 euros.
Thank you so much.
Our last charity for this academic year is the parents’ nomination – “Collective Calling”. A non-uniform day will take place on Friday 7 June. More detailed information regarding this charity will be included in next week’s newsletter.
On Wednesday our star chess players represented Aloha in the inter-school chess tournament held at Colegio Atalaya. We came second, missing 1st position by only one point! Well done Aloha Chess players!

This was a busy week for ACBC as three guest basketball players visited our training sessions . They were impressed by our children’s capabilities and the children were in awe of their skills. We welcomed Alfonso Sanchez, Lucía Mendez and Jamila Thompson.

Aloha College are the International Schools of the Costa del Sol Athletics champions for the second year running! Total points scored by Aloha – 921, a new record! In second place, EIC scored 752 points. We were magnificent. There were 7 individual records set in both track and field. All 8 relays teams finished with golds in their respective races. Each pupil performed to their maximum capacity and worked hard for every position they obtained. We have a very proud PE department yet again, who are already looking forward to next year …..
Congratulations to all our athletes and a big thank you to Mr Toal and his dream team!!!
Come and celebrate Family Fun Morning on Saturday 18 May. Some lovely events have been organised by the children. And it’s a great opportunity to make new friends!
Although parents of Key Stage 3 and Year 11 have been asked to return text books by Friday 21 June, this does not mean teaching stops then, so please ensure your child attends school until Friday 28 June, the official last day of this academic year. (In the case of Nursery to Year 2, the last day of teaching is Thursday 27 June).

I trained for months to be selected for the Aloha athletics team but unfortunately Mr Toal rejected me…
I wish you and your families a lovely weekend.
Your sincerely

Elizabeth Batchelor
Dear Parents,

Learning in the Primary School is through a wide range of lessons and experiences. On Monday Year 1 was transformed into a crew of mischievous pirates! Aboard the Aloha ship, they sang pirate songs and played a variety of instruments as accompaniment. They went on an adventurous treasure hunt, and then made maps for someone else to find their treasure. They used their artistic skills to create flags and paint themselves as pirates. All of this sounds great fun but don’t be deceived; behind this there was serious learning of both skills and knowledge across a range of subjects. In the words of Albert Einstein: “Play is the highest form of research”.

Tuesday’s Spanish Workshop enabled parents to come and learn alongside their children. As in previous workshops the morning was a huge success, with 172 parents attending.
Many of our pupils, as you would expect in an international school of 57 nationalities, speak English as either a second or third language. On Wednesday our Cambridge YLE students from Years 4,5 and 6 completed their end-of-course examinations in Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading (Movers and Flyers). A special thanks to Miss Freeman and Miss Atkinson for organising the day with the external Cambridge examiners. The children were a credit to the school and are now anxiously awaiting their results, which will arrive during the summer.
Aloha College students are very enthusiastic chess players and on Wednesday children from Year 5 and 6 joined Secondary School pupils to represent the school in the Inter-school Chess Tournament organised by the Atalaya School. They achieved 2nd position missing out by only one point to take first place. Well done Aloha Chess Players!

Your sincerely

Kathryn Salmon
Headteacher, Primary
Dear Parents,

Let me introduce you to our Climate Detectives Team:
Roberto Menchen Anna Alieva Mary Xie Sarah Conde Ludtke Andrea Gozalo Curry Yuru Liu Florence Sargent
They have recently obtained a highly commended award in the European Space Agency Climate Detectives Schools Competition. Our small group of seven students was in the top 9 of a total of 118 schools that participated across Europe. We are so proud of their performance and feel so privileged to have worked with them.
The team has done a lot of work at lunch times, after school, at weekends and even attended school during the holidays for the final write-up and submission. This kind of dedication has been key to their success.
I have linked the application video that the students put together as part of the project. I think you will agree that they should be extremely proud of their achievement.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Walker and Mrs Palmer for leading the project and for their tremendous dedication and commitment to our climate detectives.
Please click here to watch the video.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely,

Francisco Escobar
Headteacher, Secondary