Dear Parents,

On Wednesday afternoon over 100 pupils displayed their talents in a wonderful show of curriculum enrichment activities. We saw an array of different dance styles; flamenco, hip-hop, ballet, to name but a few. We also listened to the wonderful Primary School choir, and were amazed at some rhythmic gymnastics! Congratulations to all the pupils involved and thank you to all the staff who prepared them so well. A special mention to Miss Louise Verinder, who coordinated the whole event.
I mentioned this event in last week’s newsletter. The pupils looked like film stars! They enjoyed a fantastically memorable evening.
Congratulations to all our players who competed in the Marbella Town Hall “Stars” Tournament last Sunday. They demonstrated some fantastic skills and great sportsmanship. Well done to them all, in particular to the Infantiles who finished in 3rd place.
I wish I could dance Flamenco like some of our primary pupils, who showed their skills yesterday in a special assembly to celebrate the Marbella Feria next week.
Thank you for your generosity yesterday in supporting the last charity event of the year. We have raised €1,337.87 so far with money still coming in. This will help support a group of people in Tanzania to receive education, something that here we just take for granted. If you forgot to send in money it’s not too late, we will continue to collect next week. Thank you, Mrs Tye, for nominating this charity.
A little “moan” – can I please remind all parents that take-away food e.g. pizzas cannot be delivered to school for your child’s packed lunch. This could be a Health and Safety issue for our pupils.
Remember that parents and children are invited to the Music School festival which will take place in the Arts and Sports Hall tomorrow Sunday between 11:00 h and 13:00 h. Refreshments will be served from 10:45 h.
Don’t forget school will be closed on Tuesday 11 June for the Marbella San Bernabé holiday.

Have a lovely weekend.
Your sincerely

Elizabeth Batchelor
Dear Parents,

CEP Showcase Performance – Thank you to everyone who came on Wednesday evening and supported our talented children. We have some truly amazing talent in our school and each group got the opportunity to showcase their skills and their learning during after-school clubs this year. Thanks to everyone who helped organise the event. We are now looking forward to the Aloha Music Festival tomorrow at 11:00 h in the Arts and Sports Hall.
Feria Day Celebrations and Charity Day – Yesterday we celebrated the local Marbella Feria and children came to school wearing beautiful traditional flamenco dress. We ended the day with a special Feria Assembly where our Flamenco Club children wowed the audience with a wonderful performance in the Arts and Sports Hall. We also thank everybody for supporting our “Collective Calling” charity day with their donations.
Your sincerely

Kathryn Salmon
Headteacher, Primary
Dear Parents,

I cannot stand it when I hear: “Because this is the way I have always done it.” I understand why we like our little bubbles of comfort but, how do we know if the same results, or even better, can’t be achieved when trying new things? There is so much out there for us to explore!
When I look at the CEP attendance figures, I notice that the mathematics revision clubs are nearly full every week. The same happens with the homework club, physics and chemistry revision sessions after school. These are perfect examples of things we do because ‘we have always done it that way’. We keep thinking that the maths, physics and chemistry revision clubs are beneficial because we will obtain a good grade in the end of year examinations.
You are probably thinking that, as a maths teacher, Mr Escobar loves seeing pupils attending the maths revision club every week; well, I am sorry if I disappoint you but I totally disagree with this approach to learning. What I really would love to see is pupils attending three clubs every week: one on maths revision if they wish, a second one on something they have never tried before ( robotics, coding, MUN, mindfulness, music, ceramics) and finish with sports on the third night.
When we try new things we might discover a favourite new hobby or interest. There is always a first time for everything that you do. Even though you may have been playing chess for a while now, think back to that first day when you started your first game of chess. If you had never tried, you would never have discovered such a passion for it.
Developing social skills is another advantage when we try new things. Every time we start something new, a different group of people comes along. As I said before, it is so easy to fall into habits that we know we like, but there is no better way to grow as an individual and learn about yourself than to try something different. I understand it can be terrifying to put yourself in a new and different situation. However, being vulnerable at times helps us to grow stronger.
Please do not think that every time you try something new it will necessarily be a success story. If things do not go exactly the way you wanted them to go, you will know that at least you have tried!
Doing maths, physics and chemistry revision does not make you stand out from the crowd. Do not be afraid of taking on new challenges!
I hope you have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely,

Francisco Escobar
Headteacher, Secondary