Informative Meetings Year Groups Junior School
Junior School parents have already been invited in to informative meetings specific to their child’s year group.
Welcome – New School Term
Aloha College was happy to welcome back nearly all its old pupils on Thursday 1 September, and over 100 new ones! Parents and children were all thrilled to be returning to school. They have now been on task since Period 1 of the very first day.
Summer School
Summer School Beach TripSome of the activities enjoyed by our participants this year
Scariolo Presentation
Pupils of Aloha College and other children who enjoyed the Aloha Summer School, were able to witness the presentation of a 4000 euro cheque to Sergio Scariolo, president of the FCS Foundation. These funds were raised in a single day, – our Family Fun Day which took place in June for Aloha College families.
Summer School
Up to 160 pupils a week have been attending our summer school and having a great time! So far the Wednesday trips have included Selwo Marina and the cinema to see “Cars 2”.