On Thursday 9 March Aloha College will open its facilities for parents and other guests to experience the daily routines of its pupils. Visitors will be welcome to see both Primary and Secondary facilities, any time between 09.30 and 15:00 h. It will be a very valuable experience to see how the school operates. Visitors will be […]
Enterprise week , due to the fantastic work of students and staff was a real success. The Enterprise Challenge for KS3 culminated in the Enterprise Fair, with Year 6 getting an active workout and Year 10 using cheques to invest in business ideas presented to them. Some of the Year 10 Business students set up […]
Year 9- Stock Market Challenge
Year 9 had the opportunity to work in teams to buy and sell shares in the Stock Market Challenge. This is a Stock Market Simulation that incorporates media and a ‘live’ shares stock exchange. Some Year 12 students also supported the Year 9’s in this activity and checked the maths and trades as they went […]
Open International Taekwon-do ITF Copa Benidorm 2017
Aloha College pupils Nicolas Serna and Salvador Ribero travelled to Benidorm last weekend with their Taekwon-do team to participate in the International Taekwon-do Benidorm cup. Both, Nicolas and Salvador managed to came back home with four medals! They won two bronze medals in “tuls” and two gold medals in “combat”. Here are some words from […]
Year 6 – Walk to Turtle Lake
Year 6 had a fantastic day, walking from school to Turtle Lake and back. In total they walked nearly 10 km but the children did not complain at all about the distance. They enjoyed looking at nature and the surroundings, and picking out land-forms which have been learning about in IPC. They fed the ducks, played […]
Year 5ITA class Assembly- What a wonderful world…
On Wednesday, 15th February, the children in year 5 ITA performed their assembly linked to their What a Wonderful World IPC topic. The children performed dances and songs to highlight the dangers associated with climate change and to develop our appreciation of the natural environment. They enhanced their understanding of global warming and were also […]
Bugsy Malone show
This week saw our fantastic Musical production of Bugsy Malone take to the stage. Our cast, spanning from years 6 to 13, thrilled packed audiences in our new Arts and Sports Hall. Great individual performances, fabulous singing and dancing and highly professional production values in the set design, costume, lighting and sound made it the […]
U13 International School Basketball Tournament- Atalaya
On Wednesday 15 February, the U13 boys and girls basketball teams played an intense, nail-biting International Schools tournament at Atalaya school. The boys were strong in their performance from start to finish. They had an excellent run of successive victories in the group stage and went on to win the semi-final against Laude. The final, […]
Unicaja vs Real Madrid: Basketball Family programme activity
On the 12 February, we organised another activity under the “Basketball Family” programme. On this occasion we went to the Palacio de los Deportes Martín Carpena (Málaga) to watch the match between Unicaja and Real Madrid. The activity was a success with more than 120 people from Aloha College watching the match. Families could enjoy […]
Year 1 learning about Insects and Flowers in IPC
Year 1MT’s Assembly told the story of a sad yet bossy Queen Bee who had had her crown stolen by a magpie. The Queen stopped the annual Ugly Bug Ball from going ahead until her crown was back. Three reluctant insects: the grasshopper, ladybird and butterfly took on the brave job of retrieving it. On […]
Sienna McCormack- 100% on the LAMDA examination
Sienna MCormack, a Year 7 student at Aloha , got 100% on the LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) examination, being the first student to get it in the history of Marbella Stage School. LAMDA was founded in 1861 and it is one of the leading British theater schools offering outstanding professional training […]
Y6 Spanish Assembly – Environmental Education
Every 26 January marks the global celebration of World Environmental Education Day and Year 6 students wanted to raise awareness of this through a magnificent assembly that took place on Monday 30 January with theatre, dance, poetry, sport and scientific experiments. Our students reminded us of the importance of taking care of the planet, just […]