On Friday 3 May 2013 3MMC presented their assembly to the rest of Key Stage 2. Our theme in IPC was What´s on the Menu and we decided to base our assembly on one of the areas that we would be studying and that was Fair Trade.
The Fair Trade Foundation is a charitable organisation that licenses the use of the Fair Trade logo on products that meet the Fair Trade standards. It was set up in 1992 by Christian, Oxfam and a few other organisations and it unites approximately 21 countries around the world.
The aim of the Foundation is to work with businesses, community groups and individuals to improve the conditions of workers and farmers, especially in third world countries, to tackle poverty, injustice and fair trade.
To achieve this vision, Fair Trade seeks to change trading structures and practices in favour of the poor and disadvantaged. Fair Trade campaigns for an internal trade system based on justice and fairness for all.
We worked hard for many weeks to learn our lines and songs. We thoroughly enjoyed our performance and we hope the rest of Key Stage 2 did as well. Happy holidays to everyone.