
What a start to the school year we have seen in the primary section. From children smiling as they run into school everyday and parents attending our first workshops to Year 3 practising for their class assembly, the school has been busier than ever! Take a look below to read more about the children's learning and experiences throughout September.


The start of a new school year is full of excitement for many but can inevitably involve a little trepidation too, no more so than in the Early Years! We are delighted to report how wonderfully the children have settled into their new classes and of their beautiful blossoming friendships.
KS1 News

What a fantastic start to the year! We are so proud to say the children in KS1 have settled brilliantly into their new year groups. Thank you to all of you who were able to attend our parent information meetings, it was brilliant to see so many of you enjoying our wonderful outdoor area. We look forward to welcoming you all back soon for some fun activities and sharing your child’s learning.

Throughout this month we have seen many of our KS1 children transition into scientists as they have been enjoying the science based activities within their IPC units of learning. The children have been exploring ice and water: at what temperature water freezes, how long ice takes to melt and different insulators! Year 2 made ice lollies and then took them to Foundation Stage for the children to create their own pictures!
Phonics workshop

FS and KS1 parents enjoyed a fantastic Phonics workshop on Wednesday 20th September. It was wonderful to welcome so many of you into school, sharing how we teach phonics to the children and how you can support them at home. We look forward to having many more workshops in the future.
KS2 News

The children in Key Stage 2 have started the year as they mean to go on! Children are showing enthusiasm and motivation for learning alongside a developing sense of independence and maturity. Classes across the Key Stage have been consolidating learning and building upon knowledge and understanding during new learning experiences. We have seen place value and self portrait learning in Year 3. Year 4 students were immersed in role play adventures of volcano eruptions during English lessons. Year 5 have been testing pH levels in science and Year 6 have been creating collaborative and abstract art work around the theme of rivers. This looks set to be an exciting year for all involved.
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